What You Should Know
What Is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the abbreviation for the specific strain of the 2019 novel (new) coronavirus which is causing a spread of respiratory illness.
How It Spreads
The virus spreads from person to person during close contact or when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It may also be possible to get by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it.
Getting Tested – Don’t Go To Your Doctor!
Your local healthcare provider cannot test you for the virus at this time. If you think you have the virus, use a telemedicine service (if one is available to you) or contact your doctor. They will help decide if the COVID-19 test is appropriate.
Prevention Is In Your Hands
There is currently no vaccine or treatment for COVID-19. Take the steps on the right to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Should You Use a Facemask?
Currently, the CDC does not recommend people who are well to wear a facemask. You should use a facemask if you have symptoms to help prevent spreading it to others.
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